I have some exciting news to share! Young Living recently released a list of 20+ essential oils and blends that are guaranteed to be in stock! Effective July 1, 2015, you’ll be able to buy any of these 20+ oils as part of your Essential Rewards order with the assurance that they will be in stock. If you have one of these products in your Essential Rewards order at the time the product goes out of stock, you will receive Essential Rewards points (remember, you can use these like cash!) equal to the wholesale price of that out-of-stock product!
This list includes Peppermint, Lemon, Grapefruit, Ylang Ylang, Lemongrass, Orange, Geranium, Citrus Fresh, Melrose, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, En-R-Gee, Lavender, Raven, EndoFlex, Aroma Siez, Slique Essence, Stress Away, Aroma Life, Lime, and Ginger. The entire list of guaranteed in-stock oils and their product numbers is below:
I love that Young Living continues to strive to provide the best possible service to us! For full details on this offer, please see YoungLiving.com. (*valid through December 31, 2015)